The Sound of MODO

All banks from Argentina teamed up to create MODO: a virtual wallet that enables users to move their money freely in a fully interconnected mobile environment.

MODO is an emblematic case of Sonic Branding in Latin America since its the first time a brand connects  the melodies and sounds used in their communications (like ads, social videos, etc.) with the sounds in the user experience across all touch points through a unique brand sound.

Sonic DNA

Music is such an important part of MODO that we created a brand anthem. From the beggining we knew that MODO needed a unique brand sound, one that creates an emotional bond with users while letting them know that the UX/UI is simple, easy and secure.

MODO’s sonic DNA features an optimistic hummed melody. This is because, when we hum melodies we’re usually in familiar places or with people we trust. It feels. simple & positive because it’s in a major key. Its rhythm subtly relates to local genres like Cumbia or Folklore giving it a sense of Argentinean Identity.

MODO’s sonic DNA was played LIVE as a buzz-worthy press event. On this day, the brand was introduced to the world for the first time.

Sonic Logo

MODO’s sonic logo is made up from key elements of the Sonic DNA, like the brand melody and brand instruments but its main goal is to represent the customer’s journey while using the app.

MODO’s sonic logo starts with a pair of ascendent notes, symbolizing the swipe up, a representative gesture of the app.
In the middle, we hear a finger snap, which represents the simplicity of moving your money through MODO.
The last two notes evoke a feeling of success, making it feel that it’s easy to complete simple transactions.

UX/UI Sounds

The best thing in this particular case study is that MODO’s brand melody is a key element in user experience across all touch points. Even though the melody is not “played” while using the app, the key notes can be recognized in the swipe up and transaction sound.

Branded Soundtracks

MODO’s brand melody also became the soundtrack for their first-ever TV commercial.

Through its all-new Sonic Branding, whenever and wherever you get in touch with MODO, the brand sounds and melody are there to reinforce the brand’s identity and enhance the entire experience.




La Haus



Mercado Pago






Jerry Goldenberg